Building a business or career can feel a little like a roller coaster, with the ups and downs of creating something incredible. There is no pre-approved map when it comes to entrepreneurship, as it’s built out of a desire to create something new and exciting. One of the challenges that comes with entrepreneurship is the danger of over-working and reaching burnout. Building a thriving business or career is a marathon, not a sprint, so pace yourself. Here are just a few techniques to avoid burnout. 

Start the day right

There are dozens of world-famous entrepreneurs, all working in different industries and with unique backgrounds. One of the most common threads among these inspiring individuals is the importance they each place on how to begin the day. Building a morning routine that enables you to start the day feeling energized and centered will enable you to more effectively achieve the tasks of the day. Whether you begin with meditation, journal writing or taking a few quiet moments with your cup of coffee, find a ritual that enables you to feel empowered. 

Even the National Alliance on Mental Illness states that morning routines can help avoid burnout and encourage a productive day. 

Find out the cause

When working to build a business or career, it’s easy to become overloaded with too much work. Are you trying to take care of too many clients? Juggle too many part-time jobs in order to build your business? Are there difficult people you need to work with right now? Find the pinch points where you’re experiencing the most stress that’s leading you to feel burnt out. Identifying these problem areas will help guide you to find a solution. Set boundaries with yourself and those you work with, to ensure you’re not getting overloaded. Practicing delegation work will give you space and time to take care of your obligations without feeling like you’re always behind. 

Build a support network

Stress and feeling burnt out can be uncomfortable to talk about, but it’s an important part of life (especially entrepreneurial life) to let express. That’s why it’s necessary to identify and build a support network. Finding people that you can share how you’re doing, mentally and physically, will allow these stresses to be recognized before they get out of hand. This network can be created from friends, family, colleagues, or even a West Business Development Center advisor. There are resources to help you reach your best potential. 

Be kind to yourself

Too often when trying to build a business or career, it’s easy to compare ourselves to others who look to have accomplished more. Avoid this unhealthy mindset whenever possible, and instead, put your valuable energy into being kind to yourself. Proper rest and relaxation time is just as important a task as any of your other assignments, so take an evening off. 

Carl Godlove, President and CEO of Godlove Group LLC stated that “Burnout isn’t about working too hard. Burnout is about not knowing why you are working so hard,†which illustrates that a key to avoiding burnout is staying connected with your intentions. Take a moment throughout your day to remember and recognize all of the hard work you’ve done. Stay motivated by engaging with what ignites your creativity.

See if even one or two of the tips above help you build a work-life that feels less stressful and more joyful and productive. If you notice burnout warning signs take action now to prevent burnout and this will bring you closer to achieving your goals. 

Free Business Advising at West Business Development Center

If you are a business of one or a company of 100 employees, at any stage from startup to established, WestBDC offers free business advising  — on whatever topic you might be stuck on. If it’s finding the right loan to expand, staffing your business with the right people or even just wading through new minimum wage requirements, we have experts ready to help you right now. 

Click here to sign up for free advising. We’ll schedule a free, thirty-minute call and then we’ll assign you the free expert advisor you need.

See how these successful businesses set up, grew and expanded with West Business Development Center Free Advising services:

Stan’s Maple Café, Ukiah

MendoTechNet, Ukiah and Lakeport

SlamDunk Pizza, Ukiah

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