Welcome to Centro Latino West
The all-Spanish language business resource center
Mi lugar para ser the best. We know your business is as important to you as your family and your community. This is why at Centro Latino West, we are invested in providing you with the resources and support tools, in your native language, needed to grow your business. Our services can help you develop your business through advice, training, and local support networks that share timely information. Sign up: it’s fast, free, and confidential.
Contact us today
Centro Latino West provides the following Spanish language business services:
- Free CONFIDENTIAL one-on-one counseling and advising services
- Training and programs that specifically cater to the Spanish-speaking small business owner
- Access to financial resources and capital to support small businesses
- Familiarity with business practices, especially accounting principles
- A network of other minority small business owners navigating the challenges of running a business in our rural communities
Fundando mis Sueños
Fundando mis sueños, West Center’s Spanish-language business training program, is designed to help Latino business owners reach their potential and exceed their goals by providing education and resources in a collaborative environment.
This free program supports the creation of resilient businesses by educating participants in business planning, financial management, credit repair, permitting and licensing, and marketing and pricing strategies.
The 2024 application is now open! Please click below for more information or to apply
Fundando mis Sueños
Fundando mis sueños, West Center’s Spanish-language business training program, is designed to help Latino business owners reach their potential and exceed their goals by providing education and resources in a collaborative environment.
This free program supports the creation of resilient businesses by educating participants in business planning, financial management, credit repair, permitting and licensing, and marketing and pricing strategies.
The 2024 application is now open! Please click below for more information or to apply
Salón Digital
Desbloquea tu Potencial en el Salón Digital de comercio en Línea!
¿Estás listo para llevar tu negocio en línea y alcanzar nuevos niveles de éxito? Trae tus dispositivos y preguntas al Salón Digital, donde recibirás asistencia personalizada para aprender sobre las herramientas digitales necesarias para prosperar en el competitivo panorama actual.
Lo que Ofrecemos:
- Asesoramiento y Entrenamiento Digital Práctico
- Orientación Experta de Daniela Tallman
- Sesiones en Grupos Pequeños para Atención Personalizada
- Sesiones Semanales: Todos los Martes y el Primer Sábado de Cada Mes (con excepcion de los fines de semanas feriados)
- Cupos Limitados: Solo 10 por Sesión – ¡Reserva el Tuyo Ahora!
Cocinando tu camino hacia el éxito: Una receta para el emprendimiento gastronómico
Explora el mundo de emprendimiento gastronomico con una receta para el exito. Ya seas un chef experimentado o simplemente un apasionado por la comida, existen muchas oportunidades para convertir tu pasion en un negocio rentable. Desde camines de comida hasta empresas de catering y restaurantes, las posibilidades son infinitas. Unete a nosotros mientras examinamos los ingredientes para el exito y compartimos concejos para hacer que tu negocio gastronomico prospere.
Hay cupo limitado de estipendios para residentes de Mendocino/Lake County. Los participantes deben completar todas las 5 partes para ser elegibles para el estipendio de $150.
Emergency Prep
Be aware and be prepared! Get ready for any situation with our Emergency Preparation program, designed to keep your business safe and operational even during an emergency.